Key Associates
Quality personnel are the essential ingredient in the success of O'Connell and Associates. They provide the core competencies and skills required by our customers and clients. Here are the resume's and experiences of the key associates of O'Connell and Associates.
James T. O'Connell, Jr.
Jim O'Connell retired from the U.S. Army in February 1988. His military service included key management and staff positions that led to the development of a broad range of skills applicable to system acquisition, strategic planning, project management and business development. In September 1991, he founded O'Connell and Associates to provide quality technical services to clients seeking subject matter expertise, analytical support, program management, and communicative skills on a short term or project basis. He has demonstrated exceptional leadership in large scale systems integration efforts as well as on advanced level training and simulation systems design and development, and proposal management efforts.
At EER Systems, he developed a Master Plan to facilitate the fielding of the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC) and its initial range instrumentation system at Hohenfels, Germany. This system was based on the integration of voice and data components into a responsive, near real time database and display system. At CSC, his primary focus was on continued technical development and systems engineering of command and control initiatives to enhance the overall effectiveness and efficiency of CTC training. He led the technical effort on the CMTC-IS proposal and was responsible for the design, development, implementation and support of state-of-the- art archival, retrieval and tactical display capabilities for the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. He was also responsible for a series of requirements analyses for enhancement of the digital and analog communications systems at both JRTC and the National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California. He has had hands on experience with all aspects of the development of the range instrumentation architectures and systems at the U.S. Army s Combat Training Centers. He led analytical and design teams on several innovative efforts in this program. He was directly involved in the design and fielding of both the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC) and the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC).
Jim O'Connell has an in-depth understanding of training and simulations. He co- authored a White Paper for the U.S. Army's Simulation and Training Command, A Conceptual Architecture for Constructive Tactical Engagement Simulation: The WARSIM 2000 System. The paper presents a conceptual architecture for the integration of live, virtual, and constructive simulations to meet operational and training requirements. More recently he supported the development of the winning proposal for the Loral Federal System winning proposal on the WARSIM 2000 program and is currently supporting the development of the Lockheed Martin proposal on the Joint Simulation System (JSIMS) program.
Education: B.S. (Engineering) - United States Military Academy
M.S. (Operations Research) - Naval Postgraduate School
U.S. Army War College
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
General William R. Richardson
In 1986, after 35 years of distinguished service in the U.S. Army, General Richardson joined Burdeshaw Associates, Ltd. (BAL) as Executive Vice President, Army Programs, assisting the defense industry in meeting military requirements. Concurrently with his employment at BAL, General Richardson has served the defense industry by chairing an NSIA sponsored study on COTS/NDI for the U.S. Army Communications- Electronics Command. In 1991, he was appointed the Chairman of NSIA's Army C3I Committee. In February 1995, he resigned from BAL as a full time employee but remains a BAL Associate. He is currently a Senior Associate and on the Board of Directors of O Connell and Associates.
General Richardson' s last posting prior to retirement from the Army was as the Commander of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). While there he resided at the pinnacle of the Army s doctrine, combat and training developments processes. He represented the user in the determination of requirements for weapons and equipment systems. under his aegis, AirLand Battle doctrine was revised to more fully cover the operational level of war. He was instrumental in increasing Army-Air Force cooperation and coordination, leading to agreed joint concepts, tactics, techniques and procedures.
As the TRADOC Commander, General Richardson developed an extensive dialogue with industry and was successful in creating an environment for joint participation by TRADOC, AMC, and industry in Army combat and material developments. Throughout his career, he was the principal advocate for training in the Army. From 1981 to 1983, he was the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Department of the Army, where he gained extensive experience in joint matters. As the Army's Operations Deputy to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was involved in operational planning, force developments, security assistance, and arms control.
As the Commander of the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas from 1979 to 1981, he was responsible for the development of the Army s new AirLand Battle doctrine, the reorganization of the Army's heavy divisions and a restructuring of the Command and General Staff College to meet the demands of a modernized Army. From 1977 to 1979, General Richardson served as the Director of Requirements on the Army Staff, where he oversaw the Army's requirements for weapons and equipment systems and played a key role in prioritizing those systems for Army programs and budgets.
Education: B.S. - United States Military Academy
M.S.B.A. - George Washington University
U.S. Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Canadian Army Staff College
Major General Craig A. Hagan
Major General Craig Hagan retired from active duty in September 1994 after more than 34 years service in the U.S. Army. His final assignment was Chief of Staff, Headquarters, United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, in Heidelberg, Germany fro 1991 to 1994. During this time he played a leading role in the planning, development and execution of Exercise Atlantic Resolve 94, a major simulation-based training exercise for Joint and Combined Forces in November 1993.
General Hagan s operational background includes key command and staff positions in Joint and Army headquarters. Subsequent to his selection for Brigadier General in 1986, he was the Deputy Director of Deployment United States Transportation Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, and then as Assistant Division Commander, 25th Infantry Division (Light), at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. He commanded the 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry (Mechanized), 8th Infantry Division, in Baumholder, Germany, from October 1974 to June 1976. Command was followed by one year as the Executive Officer, 2d Brigade, 8th Infantry Division. He commanded Company C, 1st Battalion, 32d Infantry at Camp Hovey, Korea and served in Vietnam as the S3, 1st Battalion, 503d Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade.
Craig was the Deputy Chief of Staff for Training at the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at Fort Monroe, Virginia from 1989-1991. This assignment culminated a series of important assignments directly related to the development of training concepts and training systems for the Army. Following his graduation from the Army War College in 1978, he served as the Director of Unit Training Developments at, as the President of the United States Army Training Board, commanded the 2d Infantry Training Brigade and served as Executive Officer to the TRADOC Commanding General. He is highly recognized throughout the Joint and Army communities as a true subject matter expert.
Following his retirement from the Army, he was selected by Cubic Applications, Incorporated (CAI) to be the initial Site Manager at the Joint Warfighting Center (JWFC) activated at Fort Monroe, Virginia in October 1994. His unique career combining a unique blend of operational and training development assignments, staff experience at the major command and Department of the Army levels complemented by an advanced degree in Operations Research/Systems Analysis were the right skills for the challenges inherent in this position. His responsibilities included management of the JWFC General Support Contract, support for 16 major computer-assisted Joint exercises, and oversight of the analytical efforts focused on the identification of Joint Mission Essential Task Lists (JMETL) and exercise training objectives. He is currently a Senior Associate with O Connell and Associates.
Education: B.S. - United States Military Academy
M.S. (Operations Research) - Naval Postgraduate School
U.S. Army War College and U.S. Marine Corps Staff College
James P. Hunt
Jim Hunt retired from the U.S. Army after more than 29 years of service in Infantry and Aviation command and staff positions. He joined O'Connell and Associates as the Director of Army Programs in 1991. During his active duty career he commanded Aviation units from the platoon through brigade level. He served as a staff officer at Department of the Army, the Army Material Command, and the Army Aviation School and Center. His combat experience includes tours in Vietnam as both an Aviation Maintenance and an Attack Helicopter Platoon Leader. A proven leader and team player. As the Headquarters Commandant at the Army Material Command (AMC), Jim was responsible for the management of the services provided more than 200 military and 1800 civilian personnel. He exercised staff supervision over both the civilian personnel and information management functional areas and managed an annual budget in excess of $150 million.
He commanded the 4th Brigade, 8th Infantry Division in Germany during 1986 and 1987. brigade. He had previously commanded the 503rd Aviation Battalion in the 3rd Armored Division in Germany from 1982-1984. During these tours he oversaw the fielding of both the UH-60A (Blackhawk) and OH-58D (Kiowa) helicopters to his unit. He is intimately familiar with the full range of operational considerations associated with the introduction of new helicopter/systems into the Army. Of particular significance in this regard is his knowledge of the training requirements associated with the fielding of new equipment and simulators in support of Army Aviation. From 1984 through 1986, Jim Hunt was the Director of Training and Doctrine at the U.S. Army Aviation School and Center, Fort Rucker, AL. He was responsible for developing the full spectrum of training support required for the introduction of the OH-58D (Kiowa) and AH-64 (Apache) aircraft into the flight training program. This included the programs of instruction for both flight and academic training as well as oversight of contractor developed simulator training in support of both flight and maintenance training. He was responsible for the development of the needs statement for the Aviation Combined Arms Team Trainer (ACAT) and subsequently was involved with the development of SIMNET/AIRNET for the Aviation School. This experience provides a unique user perspective on the sustainment training environment, device based collective training and the operational concerns and requirements.
Since joining O'Connell and Associates in 1991, Jim has been responsible for significant proposal and business development efforts. Recently he led the OCA team on the selection of a preferred option for the Aviation Reconfigurable Manned Simulator (ARMS) on the ADST II program for Lockheed Martin.
Education: B.B.A - University of Oklahoma
M.A. (Personnel Management) - Central Michigan University
US Army War College
US Army Command and Staff College
B. David Krigelman
Dave Krigelman retired from Martin Marietta as a senior system engineer in April 1994 after more than 34 years experience in industry and government. This experience included military service as a Signal Corps officer with the Army Satellite Communications Agency at Fort Monmouth, senior positions with GE Aerospace (GEA) in Philadelphia and Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and with GEA/Martin Marietta in Daytona Beach. Dave is a proven systems engineer with extensive design, development, integration, and test experience.
As a Senior Systems Engineer in Daytona Beach, Dave made major contributions to management, technical, and cost proposals in support of Martin Marietta s Armor Systems business area and provided significant support to the development of the Conduct of Fire Trainer (COFT) simulators and Tank Driver Trainers (TDT) for the US Army and its Allies. These high fidelity training systems integrate advanced computer processing and database technologies, image generation, and facilities to replicate the functionality of actual combat vehicles. State-of-the-art design and packaging techniques enhance the mobility and deployability of these systems to meet diverse training needs. His primary focus was ensuring fully compliant, responsive approaches to all technical, schedule, and life cycle cost requirements for the Saudi Arabian and Kuwati M1A2 and Bradley training systems currently under development. He had major integration and coordination responsibilities on the Advanced Gunnery Training System (AGTS) proposal and was a member of the GEA team that supported the Loral Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT) proposal.
At GEA in Valley Forge, Dave managed the support system engineering activities for the Army Decentralized Automated Service Support System (DAS-3) and the Air Force Defense Dissemination System (DDS) Phase III. He led the management and technical proposal effort for DAS-3 and subsequently was the Test Director for the DAS-3 first article development. He was the Deputy Program Manager for DDS-III during the development phase and led the management and supportability proposal efforts for the production contract.
With GE in Philadelphia, Dave served as a technical staff engineer, managed system design work, integrated test and configuration management activities on satellite re-entry vehicle programs for the Air Force. He was the project engineer for the NASA Pioneer Venus Probe proposal and led the technical proposal for the Galileo Probe Program for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
As an Associate with O Connell and Associates, Dave provided extensive logistics engineering support to the winning Loral Federal Systems team on the Army s Warfighters Simulation 2000 (WARSIM 2000) program. Dave is thoroughly versed in all aspects of the system acquisition process and experienced in the preparation of all required documentation.
Education: B.S. (Mechanical Engineering) - Drexel University
William L. Shackelford
Bill Shackelford has over 35 years experience relevant to training and simulation support systems. He has substantive in-depth expertise in training development and operational concepts. His experience in the planning, development, operation and support of the Combat Training Centers (CTC) is unparallelled. This experience spans both military and industry service. He is the sole trainer in industry that has been involved in the building and operation of the National Training Center, the Joint Readiness Training Center, and the Combat Maneuver Training Center. He possesses a wide range of military operational and training skills covering conventional, special, and aviation operations.
At BDM Corporation he was the Director for Light and Heavy Forces Training. He was responsible for developing programs to improve force readiness and training. The scope of operations included active and reserve components, TRADOC, FORSCOM, First Special Operations Command, and United States Special Operations Command. As Project Director, Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Support Contract, he designed, built, staffed, and operated the JRTC Training System. He directed the 123 man contract force responsible for scenario development, exercise control, role playing, field and theater video, take-home package development, training feedback, MILES support, SOF integration, and battlefield effects.
Bill served for three years as Site Manager for the Leavenworth, Kansas EER Systems Office. He was responsible for providing analytical and technical support to the Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth activities. Earlier he served as a member of the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC) Support Team. He was responsible for the development and conduct of training for CMTC analysts.
Bill's active duty experience included a wide range of key training assignments including duty as the Chief of the National Training Center Operations Group responsible for all activities relating to the training and evaluation of the Army's armored and mechanized forces. He also served as the Director of the Training Department and the Director of the Command, Tactics, and Doctrine Department at the Infantry School, Fort Benning, GA. Bill Shackelford's in-depth knowledge of soldier and leader training requirements and unparallelled experience in the development of the combat training centers are unique qualifications in the training community.
EDUCATION: B. S. (Economics)-St Norbert College
Graduate Work (Education)-Columbus College
Air War College
Larry L. Mengel
Larry Mengel retired from the Army in 1992. He is a proven leader with experience as a planner, developer, systems engineer and manager of simulations. He has had extensive hands-on experience in the design, development, and fielding of training and simulation systems within both government and industry.
As the TRADOC System Manager for the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (CATT), created the master plan for this multi-billion dollar program. He managed the transition of the first Distributed Interactive Simulation (SIMNET) from ARPA to the Army, developed the training strategy, designed the testing plan and integrated SIMNET into the Army. Using lessons learned for the SIMNET program, develop the requirement for the Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT) and managed the program through the Army's program approval "gauntlet" to a ASARC approval.
His other military assignments included duty as the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Doctrine, at Headquarters, TRADOC as well as the Chief of the Tank Systems Branch at the Armor School, Fort Knox. These assignment followed duty as the Executive Officer to the Program Manager for the XM1 Tank Program. He was the Executive Officer of the 2d Battalion, 32d Armor, in Germany and as Commander, L Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Vietnam.
As a consultant to the Institute of Defense Analyses (IDA), his work has focused on the development of scenarios for the Synthetic Theater of War (STOW) exercises. This effort requires coordination of Army, Air Force and Navy participants from sites around world. In 1994, he built the scenario for the STOW-Europe and Engineering Demonstration #1 and served as the Exercise Controller for both exercises. He managed the team that conducted the requirements analysis for the Fort Knox Virtual Brigade Training Program (VBTP). This effort included a training audience analysis, task analysis, industry survey of available technologies, architecture formulation and design of a road map for execution of this program.
As a consultant to Betac Corporation, Larry conducted important studies for Loral Advanced Distributed Simulation (LADS) in support of their effort to design the dynamic terrain architecture for the ARPA STOW program. These studies required detailed review of several brigade level training exercises to determine the computational load imposed by terrain modification activities. Related work included analyses of the SIMITAR program structure, training strategy, system architecture and resource allocations and the program architecture and masterschedule for ARPA s STOW program. He developed the Work Breakdown Structure for the STOW, and wrote the Functional Description for the Joint Tactical Engagement Simulation System (JTESS); a building blocks of the STOW program.
EDUCATION: B.S. - U.S. Military Academy
M.S. (Industrial Engineering) - Lehigh University
U. S. Army Command and General Staff College
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